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Consultancy & Design

The ideas that guide our consultation and design services are based on the following time-proven principles:

  • If the designs are for an existing building, materials are chosen that harmonize with those existing and with the building’s architecture.
  • Good quality materials and craftsmanship are always a worthwhile investment. If the budget is limited, there are ways of simplifying without compromising aesthetics and retaining quality of materials and craftsmanship.
  • Wherever appropriate, for churches in the West we draw for inspiration on the riches of early western iconography and design, for example Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Carolingian, early Roman, and Romanesque.
  • As much as possible, the cultural riches of the community are reflected in the designs. For example, the carved or painted panels under icons on an icon screen might reflect the numerous cultures represented in a multi-ethnic parish.
  • Liturgical art is not an end in itself, but a means of communion with God and the saints in heaven. So the beauty of the designs need to be such a nature as to lead people through the works to the holy persons depicted.